Even without the physical triggers so commonly associated with drug addiction, gambling disorders can wreak just as much havoc in a person’s life. While drug addiction works as a substance-based disorder, gambling addictions have more…
Gambling Disorder
Excessive gambling can drain finances, ruin personal and professional relationships, and harm the gambler’s mental health. Gambling disorder affects about 1% of Americans who can’t stop, despite the consequences.
Study Ties Risk of Problem Gambling with Proximity to Casinos and Other Gambling Opportunities
Individuals who live within 10 miles of a casino or in a disadvantaged neighborhood are more likely to experience problem gambling, according to new research from the University at Buffalo’s Research Institute on Addictions (RIA).
The impact of a new casino on the motor vehicle crash patterns in suburban Maryland
In this single-site study the opening of a casino was associated with an increase in crashes nearby. The generalizability of this finding should be confirmed with analysis of MVC data near other gambling venues.
Longitudinal patterns of gambling activities and associated risk factors in college students Aims
To investigate which clusters of gambling activities exist within a longitudinal study of college health, how membership in gambling clusters change over time and whether particular clusters of gambling are associated with unhealthy risk behavior.
Gambling addiction among college students is on the rise
The study, which was conducted by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, found that the number of college students who suffer from gambling addiction has increased by nearly 50 percent in the last decade.
Harm Reduction for the Prevention of Youth Gambling Problems: Lessons Learned from Adolescent High-Risk Behavior Prevention Programs
Despite the growing popularity of the harm reduction approach in the field of adolescent alcohol and substance abuse, a harm reduction approach to prevention and treatment of youth problem gambling remains largely unexplored.
Economic, Health and Behavioural Consequences of Greater Gambling Availability
Greater availability of gambling venues may increase gambling rates, and therefore enhance welfare through the additional enjoyment from gambling and the related socialising.
Hofstra University Files Article 78 Special Proceeding Against Nassau County Planning Commission
Hofstra University filed an Article 78 special proceeding today addressing the Nassau County Planning Commission’s recent violations of important New York State and Nassau County laws.
The Impact of Casino Proximity on Northeast Urban Communities: a Literature Review
This research paper suggests that because casinos attract and target lower income people, the economic gains are minimal, and increased gambling problems are almost guaranteed.